Dear Servants,

Multiple announcements to follow

Announcement 1: June 15th, 4:30 PM, All-Servants' Meeting


We would like to hold an all-Servants' Spiritual Meeting June 15th starting 4:30 PM ending with the start of Sunday School for the young classes  and Asheya. This would be an opportunity for all of us to get together. Please add this to your calendars. We look forward to having you all there and the details will follow.

Announcement 2: June 22, New Sunday School Time


As you may know, we have been looking at different options to have all Sunday School classes after Asheya. Unfortunately, there isn't a solution which alleviates all concerns. So, after looking at many options, we are moving forward with the following starting June 22:

  1. Grade 11/12 class will move to Sunday after liturgy. This should work better for the kids in that group and they will be separate from the older youth group
  2. Grade 8 will move to the Gym and occupy the back half.
  3. Grade 9/10 class will move to the Gym and will occupy the front half
  4. The attached graphic shows the locations of the classes. PLEASE checkout where your class may be, inspect the space to be ready for your kids.

Announcement 3: June 22, Starting Servants Prayer Meeting


Starting June 22, we will start holding a prayer assembly every Saturday 8:45 PM to 9:15 PM in Nelly's class.

We need much prayer for the service to be successful and fruitful and we have a PROMISE that our prayers together can move mountains. We know it is difficult for everyone to attend everytime, but please do your best to participate. May the Lord listen and give us success for the sake of our kids.